Friday, May 23, 2008

Dude! Domino's is online now! Yay!

Yes, that's news to me, and quite welcome news at that.

The Menace received 4 medals and several paper commendations at his awards ceremony today. His teacher told SpiderKiller that, had Dennis not gone through his "gaffing it off" phase, he would have been the best student in her class. As it is, he missed A-B honor roll by 1 point because he gaffed off his English work for the first half of the last quarter.

Still searching for the "right" rosary. Ebay and the online Catholic stores have been burnt up. *le Sigh* I want a ladder rosary. I'm very drawn to one I saw on Ebay that's made out of stones from Medjugorje. It's a little much for me right now though. Maybe later this year.

No great insights today, I'm afraid; just looking at things.

I'm hoping and praying that SK takes the time sometime this weekend to start reading Rome Sweet Home. I got it from the library last week. That's how I was able to start a conversation about transubstantiation with him...and at one point heard this:

Me: "I'm not saying let's rush out and take instruction, okay?"
Him: "I'm not saying we shouldn't!!"

So score one for prayer. He's at least listening to me.
Tonight, I think while he's playing WoW, I will be reading Thomas Aquinas. I got him from the library too. I'm going to try hard to wrap my head around the writings; I don't know how well I'll do, but I'm going to try.

I need to order Orthodoxy by Chesterton, too; and maybe The Man who was Thursday, if I can't find them in the library. I definitely need to try to find a copy of "Hail Holy Queen." That's one thing SK is sort of in tune with me about; that the Blessed Mother deserves more veneration in the Protestant Church than she currently receives.

Oh, I tried to talk to my mother about the Eucharist, too, but somehow she got distracted into thinking we were talking about something else. We're supposed to talk again soon about it.
I don't know if I'll be able to post again this weekend, so be well and be blessed!

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